The Job Journal
Tips, tricks, insights and advice to help you land your next job...with the occasional bit of waffle thrown in too.

Let's settle this once and for all, what makes your CV stand out to employers?

Your CV will be amended, added to, and restructured countless times over the course of your career. A CV is your primary piece of marketing collateral and a brief representation of the value you can add to a potential employer, but how can you fit everything in and make it stand out? What are employers looking for that will grab their attention when they have 15 other CVs to look through, not just yours? You only have a small window of time to make an impression and it can be stressful to know what advice you should listen to when creating your CV.
How many pages, how many sections, what should your summary say, should you include hobbies (do people even do that anymore?!). As the years have progressed, CVs are becoming more condensed and are turning into a fact/statistic filled document. Are you guilty of forgetting the smaller details that make up your daily schedule and just focusing on the big achievements when writing your CV?
I had the pleasure of speaking with David Barlow, the Founder of My CV Guide and as a recruiter, it is refreshing to speak to a CV writing service that provides so much value. This is a MUST SEE webinar for anyone who has unanswered questions about what makes a superb, career-changing CV.
If you'd like to chat to me about how I can help you with this, drop me a line via this website.
Exclusive GTC Webinar with My CV Guide Founder David Barlow